Since I discovered the Page Links To plugin, it’s become one of the plugins that I use most on my sites, particularly those where I’m using WordPress to create a CMS. I’ve reviewed it already (see the review here), but it seems that they have added a great features which was lacking in the previous version.
First, let’s just review what this plugin does: it allows you to create a Page, and then have that page link to any URL anywhere on the web. I mostly use it to link Pages in my navigation bar to Categories, or posts, but you could theoretically link a Page to any other page on the web.
It seems that in the new version, Pages links in the navigation are now highlighted when you click on them, even if they are linking using the plugin. This means that if you set a CSS style so that the current page you are on looks different in the navigation, this will apply also when the Page links using this plugin.
I highly recommend checking out this plugin…