Although I love me some good responsiveness, we needed to launch a site without a mobile version since the responsive design wasn’t totally ready yet.

Our client’s site looked good on my desktop browser when I minimized the screen, but when I viewed the site on my phone, on the bottom of the homepage I saw a link “View full site” and Proudly Powered by WordPress.

The link to view full site had this tacked on to the end: ak_action=reject_mobile or, when on the Full site, the link “view mobile site” had this parameter: ak_action=accept_mobile so I started searching around for others who had that issue which led me to people who had installed a mobilepress plugin or wptouch so I started vigorously deleting the cache in case we had installed a similar plugin at some point.

but… that didn’t help.

Then I started going through the code, thinking this might be the problem: <meta name=”viewport” content=”width=device-width,initial-scale=1.0″> but even after I commented that out, I still had this issue.

Then I started looking up how to remove “powered by WordPress mobile” and the first result was for Jetpack and lo, and behold, the Jetpack module “Mobile Theme” was enabled.


Yours truly,