We had an issue with pagination in a Genesis theme, and found an inelegant workaround that might help others.
I’m currently using a Genesis child theme that sets up the homepage using the Genesis Featured Posts Widgets that comes with Genesis.
There are 4 widget areas used to create the homepage – three are to highlight the three latest posts at the top, and then another widget is used to display the 10 latest posts, offset by 3 so it doesn’t repeat the highlighted posts at the top.
The client wanted me to add a “More Posts” link at the bottom of the homepage so that visitors could browse the rest of the posts in the blog.
I tried creating a custom loop query and doing an offset by 3 (so there was no repeat posts) from this post, but in the end my loop showed twice, which wasn’t good.
In the end, as a workaround, we set the Featured Post Widget that was controlling the 10 posts on the homepage to only show one category instead of the default “all categories” and then checked the box next to “Show Category Archive Link”.
We then had to come up with a category that all posts could be assigned to, like “blog”. Although it wasn’t a beautiful solution, I think we may have to wait until Genesis offers something better.