Recently we built a WordPress website for one of our clients that needed to integrate contact forms with Act-On, a marketing automation tool.

In case anyone else is looking for this, here are step-by-step instructions on how to insert Act-On forms into a page or post using a shortcode.

1. In Act-On, find the “Get Code” option:

  1. Navigate to Forms (under the library tab)
  2. Mouse-over the name of the form you wish to use
  3. Click the “more” menu that appears when hovering your mouse
  4. Click “Get Public URLs”
  5. Mouse-over the title area where you see “Default”
  6. Choose “Get code” when hovering your mouse

2. In the WordPress Dashboard:

  1. Go to Plugins and activate the Global Content Blocks plugin
  2. Go to Settings > Add New Content Block.
  3. Create a name and custom shortcode name
  4. Set Type to General
  5. In the content area for this content block, switch to Text editor, and insert the Act-on code.
  6. Go to the page or post in your site where you want to insert the form and click on the picture of the green, red and blue blocks and select a form to insert. In the visual editor you’ll see a block with name of the form but if you look at the Text Editor, you’ll see a shortcode was added like this: [contentblock id=3 img=gcb.png]
  7. Test the form on your WordPress site by filling it out and then go back into Act-on to make sure that your form entry submission appears.
  8. Yay! Here is our form integrated with Act-on (I guess you’ll just have to trust us…)
