While working on one of our sites, I noticed funny code starting to show up in the WYSIWYG editor area. I’m not sure if it actually messed anything up, but it was really annoying:
<input id=”gwProxy” type=”hidden” /> <input id=”jsProxy” onclick=”jsCall();” type=”hidden” />
I found one article online that said it was an FCK / wysiwyg editor problem so I thought maybe the issue was related to my beloved CMS friend, Custom Field Template plugin, that I have installed (and love… swoon.. too much?).
However, I was relieved to find this article which said that the problem (freakishly enough) is the Firefox Highlighter addon which was adding the code into the WordPress WYSIWYG editor. So, I removed the Highlighter addon and that seemed to solve the problem. It didn’t remove previous instances of the weird code so I had to delete them manually.
I tried using the FCK fix plugin, hoping that it would remove previous instances of the weird code that were in the site, but it didn’t, so I deleted the plugin.