Here’s a review of 4 of the most comprehensive calendar plugins that WordPress has to offer. I tried out each one and tracked the features, pros, and cons. Which calendar are you using? Send a link so we can see some more examples. For a full list WordPress calendar plugins, click here.
Still in search of a perfect calendar…
I still have hopes and dreams that the perfect calendar is out there somewhere, but I can’t seem to find The One. I’m looking for a WordPress compatible calendar that can do the following:
- recurring events – monthly, weekly, bi-weekly
- month view
- list view with option to see 15 results for upcoming events and then to click “Next” to see next results
- import a csv file of ongoing events
- Advanced search functionality to do the following. For example, search for Events in New York City on December 1. Or to search by venue, city, topic, and other categories.
- RSS events feed
- user level management – a way for different organizations to submit and manage their own events
- Email notifications when someone has added or edited an event
Event Calendar 3 by Alex Tingle
Display upcoming events in a dynamic calendar, on a listings page, or as a list in the sidebar.
- iCal feed subscription
- sidebar widget – monthly & list view
- easy admin to add events from Write>Post
- links to a post for more details
- no recurring events
- no RSS event feed
- no large view calendar
- no categories
- no fields within events such as location, contact person
- no user level management
Calendar by Kieran O’Shea
A simple calendar plugin for WordPress that allows you to manage your events and display them in list or month format.
- Monthly view of events
- Mouse-over details for each event
- Events can have a timestamp (optional)
- Events can display their author (optional)
- Events can span more than one day
- Multiple events per day possible
- Events can repeat on a weekly, monthly or yearly basis
- Repeats can occur indefinitely or a limited number of times
- Easy to use events manager in admin dashboard
- Sidebar function/Widget to show todays events
- Sidebar function/Widget to show upcoming events
- Comprehensive options panel for admin
- Modifiable CSS using the options panel
- Optional drop down boxes to quickly change month and year
- User groups other than admin can be permitted to manage events
- Events can be placed into categories
- Categories system can be switched on or off
- Pop up javascript calendars help the choosing of dates
- Events can be links pointing to a location of your choice
- no events feed
- no fields within events such as location, contact person
- no search feature
- no bi-weekly recurring events
- no way to import a csv of recurring events
Gigs Calendar by Dan Coulter
This plugin is designed for bands touring but can be used for any events.
- list view
- amazing options in the admin panel – arrange table view of events, link to Google maps, etc.
- events feed
- fields for city, venue, start time, contact details
- once you select a venue, the contact details appear automatically! Big time saver.
- each event links to the details
- user level management
- no month calendar view
- no recurring events
- no way to search/sort by month, venue, city, date
Gigpress by Derek Hogue
Another plugin designed for bands touring but can be used for any events.
- list view
- user level management
- events feed
- fields for venue, venue website, address, country, etc.
- connects to posts with a link that says “related post” [I think it should say “More details”]
- no month calendar view
- no recurring events
- doesn’t connect to a post – all the info needs to be written in the table which isn’t good if you have a lot of text
- no way to search/sort by month, venue, city, date
Easy PHP Calendar Plugin
EasyPHPCalendar is a script you can buy for $20. To integrate it into the WordPress admin, you can use the WordPress plugin. This is by far the most comprehensive calendar you can use in conjunction with WordPress. It has tons of features, template options, and display options. Just beware of the clunky setup which may take a few hours to do properly. Also, there are certain features which can’t be modified because they’re encrypted by the Calendar developers. Luckily, the support forum on the site is pretty active.
- mySQL database support
- Flat-file database support – No mySQL server required!
- Single events, recurring events and floating events plus multiple categories
- Complete and easy event and setup administration
- Mouse-over and pop-up event details
- Customizable categories and multiple event administrators
- Rich event descriptions including font sizes/colors and images
- different templates for list view and month view
- active support forum and RSS feed for latest entries in forum
- See more details
- complex setup
- weak search and filtering
- no easy way to import a CSV of recurring events
- no events feed
- some encrypted code which may leave you helpless if you want to modify certain functionality
[Update ]
WP-Events by Arnan de Gans
The plugin features a straightforward user interface in the WordPress dashboard to add/edit and delete events and set some options. Events allows you to list Events on a seperate page or in the sidebar, or both. Here you can list Old (archived) events future events and if you want, events happening today. When you create or edit an event you can set it to be archived. So that it remains listed. Optionally non-archived events are automatically deleted one day (24 hours) after they expire. Many more options are available and Events is completely customizable to your theme in an easy and flexible manner.
- Widget for themes that support it
- non-widget option: Code to put into templates
- Separate page for events
- Completely customizable layout
- Multi language
- Link events to pages/posts
- Set a start and end time (duration) for events
- Set locations for events
- Show events in your sidebar
- Archive events
- Edit existing events
- Auto remove old, non-archived events
- Unlimited dateformats to show events dates
- Options page
- Set a date and time to the minute
- Set a message to show before and another one to show after the event occurs
- User level restriction
- Management page
- Set amount of events to show in the sidebar
Since the events in this plugin are separate from posts, the integration with linking and feeds is not so great. Other than that, I really like all the options and customization available. Definitely worth trying out.
- No events feed – I wanted to offer my readers a way to get the events feed but because the events are entries rather than posts, I couldn’t figure out an easy way to do it.
- Page/post relationship links – You can add a post and then create a link from the event to the post, but this seems like double the work and not so intuitive.. I guess I could link events to the main events page for more info, but then there is no direct event link to send your friends or refer back to it.
- Date format – the date shows up as March 04, 2009 at 04:00pm and I couldn’t figure out a way to get rid of those initial 0’s. who needs ’em?