If you want to create a multi-user or multi-author WordPress blog, it generally means having others register on the site, and then log in and write new posts. This has a few disadvantages:
- You may not want to allow unlimited and unrestricted registration on your site, where unknown people gain access to your back end.
- The registration process involves sending a confirmation mail to the user, which can get lost.
- You may want to see posts and approve them prior to publication (which can be done with another plugin, but is not built-in to the WordPress core).
Thanks to Tal Galili and the Hebrew WordPress Google group, I just discovered TDO Mini Forms, a plugin that allows you to easily add a form to your WordPress blog where people can submit posts to your blog without registering, that you can then authorize or reject in your admin. See an example on Tal’s new blog for teachers here (in Hebrew), or TDO’s English sample page for the plugin here.
Here are some features of the TDO Mini Forms plugin:
- Posts wait as drafts until approved by admin
- Can ban specific users or IPs from using the form
- Can “trust” certain users so their posts are published automatically
- Users can select categories and tags
- Users can upload files
- Users can be notified if posts accepted or rejected
TDO Mini Forms Plugin on WordPress.org»
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