As you may have seen, Rebecca already wrote up a great review of Sunday’s 2nd WordCamp Israel event. I was privileged to present two short presentations at the event, which I have finally uploaded for all to see. Note that the images and titles of plugins or sites are all links, and you can click on them to get to the actual sites in question.
Setting up a blog with good foundations for the future on or Blogli
Many people prefer to start their blogging career on free sites like, or the Israeli version called Blogli. These sites take away the headache involved in installing the software and managing technical issues. They also allow for a soft start with little financial investment.
However, if you are serious about blogging, then you will want to see your blog grow. As it grows, you may find that it outgrows the limitations of, where you can’t upload plugins or completely customize the appearance of your blog. So while using for your blog is a great choice, you should make sure to implement a few things to ensure that if you do decide to move to a self-hosted blog in the future, it’s not too painful. The most important thing, in my opinion, is to use your own domain name from the start on by upgrading your account. It costs about $10 a month, and is worth it.
Automating your blogging and social media activity
A site or blog is no longer enough if you want to create a web presence that really works for you. It is important to integrate social media into your online strategy so that people can find you off your site as well. But we all know that managing a blog takes tons of time; how in the world do we find time to also manage social media profiles?
This presentation shows you plugins and online apps that will help you automate many of your social media/blogging activities to save you time, and make sure you can still have a bit of life offline too.
And finally, here are links to some other people who wrote about WordCamp Israel 2008 both before and after the event:
WordCamp Israel Has 560 Registrants
Photos and Links from Wordcamp Israel 2008
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