I’ve learned a lot about custom fields since I posted about programming thumbnails into your WordPress theme with custom fields, thanks to everyone’s comments here and on weblog tools collection, who referred to my post. I decided to collect all the links posted in the comments here so that we all have easy access:
Custom Fields + Images
- Lonewolf Online has a detailed tutorial about adding a string of thumbnail images to your post by inserting a comma-separated list of image URLs in a custom field called “pictures.”
- Gate 303 also explains how he used custom fields to add thumbnails to his posts. Check out his blog (or Blogg as he calls it) homepage to see how nice it looks – he has mini-thumbnails there, and bigger images in the single post page.
- Justin Tadlock wrote a whole series about using custom fields, which I’ve definitely got to take a closer look at when I have time, and one of these posts is about adding images with a custom field for greater flexibility.
Plugins + Images
- Don’t want to mess with your code and custom fields? Justin also created a plugin for WordPress theme designers that allows them to easily display their themes with thumbnails, description, and demo and download links.
- Yet Another Photoblog (YAPB) plugin takes your plain ol’ WP blog and extends it into a whopping photo blog with a ton of features, like easy image upload and on-the-fly thumbnail generation. I’ve never tried it, so if you have, I’d love to hear feedback.
- Photopress is another image management plugin that says it adds a pop-up uploader and a pop-up image browser to the posting page, a random image function for your template, and a simple album to display the photos you’ve uploaded.
- The Post Thumbs plugin claims it will also do the thumbnail thing for you. The reason I say claims is because I have a feeling I tried it out at some point without success. But maybe it will work for you.
- MIA WordPress Plugin page is in Spanish (I think) so I don’t really know what it does, but after using Google Translator (thanks Ryan!) it seems that it places random images from your blog wherever you put the code in your template. It’s supposed to be a local FlickrRSS, I think.
Between custom fields and these plugins WordPress can really become a platform for eye-catching sites and blogs.